Originally written in late August of this year.

This post best experienced while listening to this music.

I have been feeling so weird - so disjointed and kind of lost.

Today I decided it's like a race:

I was just running up a particularly large and difficult hill

 when someone came and told me that it was changed to a triathlon and I needed to change into swim gear.  I have just emerged from the changing room, and, facing the large lake I am to cross, find I am alone, with no idea which side of the lake to aim for.

I know somewhat what I need to do but I'm not sure exactly how, when, where, etc.  I can start out but I think I need directions to get very far.  And I am distinctly aware that I shouldn't just sit and wait.  It doesn't work to tread water when you're on the clock...

After what seemed like a whirlwind move, we are finally settling in here at my Georgiana (my grandparents' house, for those of you who don't know) in Lehi.  David and Elizabeth started school last week so they would be adjusted before I started as their teacher at the Montessori Learning Center.  I start work on Thursday.

All in all everyone is pleased to have us around again and as soon as I adjust to the heat and the ridiculous traffic, I think we'll be great.

Here are a few pics to tide you over until I have time to write more (in no particular order):

Kids are so excited to see Hannah!

Elizabeth an Ella (I'm really going to miss her little voice: "Where's David?")

Elizabeth and her cherished Miss Burleigh

The kids with their adopted Oregonian grandparents, the Martinez family.

David and "Baby Madison" (who isn't the baby by a long shot anymore)

David and Charlotte (the baby)

Elizabeth and her (very patient) brother Daniel



Sisters, reunited

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It is with great depth of feeling that I announce that we will be re-locating to Utah County in mid-June.  We are sad to see our time here in Oregon grow short, yet excited at the prospect of living near family again.

I hope to find time in the next month or so to chronicle some of the amazing things we have experienced and learned here on the farm.  It is exciting to see how much we have grown and to watch the unfolding of my personal mission.

I hope to keep you updated as our bright future unfolds!

Lately my kids have been acting really kooky about "swear words".  You all know how sheltered they are, so it probably won't come as any surprise to hear that David berated me the other day for swearing.

What?!?!  you say...JENNY was swearing?!?

Yeah.  I said Holy Cow.

That's right, my kids are keeping a tight fist around here when it comes to my colorful vocabulary.

But it gets better:

Last night Elizabeth was dancing around singing while I was making supper.  As she often does, she was making up a new song and singing it repeatedly for a good long time (oh, man, I remember doing that, my poor mother!!).

This song went:  "I just need your hellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllp.  I just need your helllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllp."  On, and on, and on.  The song wasn't that bad, actually, except for the fact that you could barely hear the p on the end of each line, and so at first I wasn't quite sure WHAT that girl was singing.

So I calmly asked her: "What are the words of your song, my dear?"  And she proceeded to tell me, then continued singing.

After a few minutes more she stopped and asked, "What did you think I was saying?  Did you think I was saying hell?"  I gulped and said yes as calmly as I could.

"Oh, no, I wasn't saying hell, I was saying help (nodding her head).  It kind of does sound like hell, doesn't it.  (To herself, like she is reciting) Hell above.... Nope, the song goes: I just need your helllllllllllllllllllllllllllllppp."

And on she went singing for several more minutes when suddenly she stopped and whispered to me, "I know a REAL swear word."

Hmmm.  I'll bet she has heard a few, although apparently hell doesn't count.

Still whispering:  "It's so bad I won't ever say it!!!"

That's my girl.

"It doesn't end in "l", though, it ends in "k"."

Uh, oh.

So calmly I asked her: "Where did you hear this bad word?"  Mentally repeating:  If I don't freak out she won't realize how bad this is.  Someone is going to PAY!!!!!

"Oh, I don't think I've heard it, it's just one I know."

At this point the language police caught on and he started nosing into the conversation.  Oh, man...

"Should I tell David what it is, mommy?"

To which I of course replied, "No!"  Calm down....  "Why don't you tell me instead."

So Miss Mary Elizabeth sauntered over to me and whispered in my ear:


At least once in everyone's life there comes a time when they receive a gift they can't identify.  I don't mean a fruit cake with unknown ingredients lovingly created by your Grandma, or a lovely framed cross-stitch of something brown from Aunt Bee.

No, I mean that time you receive a....What IS that?!?!?... gift.

This was my lucky year.

Since the giftee managed to be in Costa Rica for the holidays I was unable to discover the true identity of my gift until recently.  While I waited my children and I spent some time pondering what this marvelous gift could be.

What follows is a list of the possibilities we came up with, in no particular order:

    A Turban
A Headband

A Ponytail Holder

A Newsboy Hat

A Necklace

A Decorative Stripe

A Baby Sling

A Belt

A Bikini Top

An Endless Knot

A Sling for a Broken Arm

A Bracelet

A Prayer Cap


Ear Muffs

A Toupee and Facial Hair

A Brigham Young Beard

A Bow Tie
A Necktie

Half-Finger Gloves

A Puzzle

A Blanket for your Arms when you Pray

A Handfasting Scarf (Notice that one of us likes the idea of getting married and the other is not real happy here...)

A Lasso

Lady Liberty's Torch

Leg Cuffs

A Boa Constrictor

 Hope your Christmas was as exciting as ours!