We've all heard that saying, "The church is true wherever you go."  And I think we generally all understand and believe that.  But since we moved to Oregon I have found new meaning in that saying.

It all started the first week we were here, staying with friends in Vancouver, Washington, waiting to find a place to live.  We were staying with a lady my mom knew when they were girls, April.  April happened to be gone visiting her parents in California the week we got here, so we were staying at her house alone.  I decided to be brave that first Sunday and figured out which ward we should attend and went, all by ourselves.  We arrived early, as I like to do, and in the ten minutes before church started more than half of the people in the room had made our acquaintance!  I felt very welcome and not so very far from home.  (Vernie recently expressed surprise at receiving the same treatment when they visited a ward in Vancouver, as well)

A week later, settled in our new home, we headed off to church and met the same behavior in our new ward!  Everyone here is so friendly, although I frequently feel that "We're not in Kansas anymore" feeling, attending church is almost unsettling, it's so wonderful!

Not only have I felt so very welcomed, this ward has bent over backwards to meet our needs since we got here.  Although the garage sales I had when we moved helped tremendously to both lighten our loads for moving (I've never had an easier time unpacking!) and pave our way financially, they left us lacking some essential items (sleeping on the floor wore thin pretty fast).  Within a few weeks of moving in every item of furniture we needed had been replaced.  A list was created of other misc. needs we had and each item has been more than accounted for!  Today alone I came home from church with: a brand new grater, a bag of yarn, an over-the-door-shoe-holder, 20 hangers, and 6 sets of queen-sized sheets.

In e-mail correspondence with the Relief Society Secretary concerning our family's needs, I expressed my surprise and delight at their help.  She replied: Yes, we have a great ward - - full of love and giving.  We're working on being celestial!!!!

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3 comments to “An Amazing Ward”

  1. I'm really happy to hear it Jen. I think a lot of people in the church want to help and so I'm sure they're delighted that you are there to ask for/accept it! I hope I get to see you and your place this summer!!!

  1. I am so glad you are doing this BLOG! The farm stuff is what I was expecting. But what a great thing to include other life's experiences. Thanks!!

  1. this is a testimony of faith in releasing to the universe, trusting that God knows your needs and will send it to you at the right time. thank you for having the courage to test the principle for the rest of us.